BCTEX Wallet Supported Coins.

The fees charged by BCTEX are lower than the industry average. When spot trading, you pay 0.10% per order. When contract trading, you pay 0.06% if you are a taker and 0.04% if you are a maker. Every trade occurs between two parties: the maker, whose order exists on the order book prior to the trade, and the taker, who places the order that matches (or “takes”) the maker’s order. It is common that exchanges charges makers less, as a way to incentivize orders that create liquidity in the market.Considering investment opportunities, transparency is always crucial. As for cryptos, you already know that Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer payment system, which is designed to protect the privacy and to provide security. However, that doesn’t mean that the crypto providers should also be anonymous. After all, these people will handle your money, so you should at least know who they are and where they operate from. In fact, we need to note that some trustworthy exchanges don’t reveal such information on their websites, but it’s still easy to verify that businesses are legal, law-abiding companies; therefore, it’s always a worrying sign if the crypto provider isn't transparent..

What is BCTEXOver 339 cryptocurrencies supported. BCTEX Global supports 339+ assets, which should give you a good range of industries and asset types to invest in without needing to hop between multiple exchanges..

4. It has a wide variety of markets with excellent trading liquidity..🚀 Minimum deposit: 0 USD.

All support requests are processed within 24 hours.1. Few trading options available.

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